Key Facts
- Learning Material: Students will have online access to their study material which will include a study guide, self-assessments and relevant additional resources.
- A knowledge, comprehension and application of the English language at NQF Level 4 (Grade 11 or equivalent level) is required.
- Mode of Study: Live evening online classes
This qualification provides a framework for learners to develop competencies that will give them insight into the Long-term Insurance which includes which includes life insurance, retirement and group benefits and Healthcare Benefits Administration.
This course introduces a basic understanding of the key terms, rules, concepts and principles of the field that will enable learners to be informed about the long-term insurance industry.

Course Outcomes
At the end of the Long-Term Insurance NQF Level 4 Qualification, learners will be capable of:
- Carrying out basic research tasks and applying literacy and numeracy skills to analyze, interpret and evaluate information from a range of sources related to Long-term Insurance or reinsurance and the assessment of risk.
- Managing personal finances and risk.
- Applying knowledge of legislation, ethics, compliance and organizational protocols in the Long-term Insurance environment.

Course Content
Personal Effectiveness
Workplace relationships
Ethics and Compliance Issues
Customer Care and Electronics systems
Introduction to insurance contracts and principles
Module 2. Life Insurance Products and ServicesKnowing one’s product is key to giving good advice to clients. This section discusses the various forms of cover that are available, their benefits and how to find solutions that best meet the client’s needs. This includes life insurance, dreaded diseases, disability, retirement and group products. |
Life insurance Cover
Dreaded Diseases & Disability Insurance
Group Life Insurance
The need to plan for retirement
Module 3. Financial Sector Structure & Reported EventsOther types of insurance for business and health are introduced here. The insurance industry is placed into a larger context. That covers topics such as the role of insurance within the financial sector, wealth creation, public perception and other developments that impact on the industry, including fraud. |
Structure of Financial Industry
Structure of Healthcare in South Africa
Role of insurance in Business
Current Events Reported in the Media
Control of Fraud in Long term insurance
Module 4. Financial LiteracyA representative needs a solid grasp of financial concepts to guide his/her clients. In this section, financial statements are analysed, the principles of income tax explained and how risks impact individuals financially.
Module 5. Mathematical LiteracyStudents will learn:-
Module 6. Business CommunicationEvery professional needs good communication skills, be they written or verbal. Insurance representatives need them to process large amounts of information, understand contracts, for reports and to persuade people in conversations or presentations. This module will cover how to:-
South Africa is a multicultural society with 9 languages. Given the importance of the emerging market, it is an advantage that representatives are able to communicate in more than one language. This section develops these skills further. This module will cover how to:-
Entry Requirements
Learning Material
Important Information, Terms & Conditions
R650 Registration +R 2687.50 Monthly installment
Please contact our office for more information:
Applications for Semester 1 close on 31 January
Applications for Semester 2 close on 26 June
Registrations for Semester 1 close on 16 February
Registrations for Semester 2 close on 6 July
Accreditation and Certification
Credits will be uploaded on the INSETA SMS system on successful completion of the Short-Term Qualification requirements. The rule of combination would have been met and a certificate will be issued by SAQA through INSETA.
Admission Requirements
A knowledge, comprehension and application of the English language at NQF Level 4 (Grade 12 or equivalent level) is required.
How to Apply?
link to bursaries form (must add)
Students will have to complete online Formative Assessments and a final invigilated written Summative Assessment for each module.